09 common mistakes in corporate culture

According to Marvin Bower – General Manager, McKinsey: “Corporate culture is all the elements we are making in our business and the legacy we leave to the next generation.”

Corporate culture can be understood as the shared beliefs and values ​​established by business leaders. They are then communicated and reinforced through different methods, ultimately shaping employee perceptions, behaviors, and understandings. Simply put, an enterprise's structure and design can be seen as its "body" and culture as its "soul".

Here are nine mistakes that businesses often make when building corporate culture:

1️⃣ Completely copy the culture of other businesses

2️⃣ Improper implementation of the strategy

3️⃣ Deployment without a plan

4️⃣ Don't set an example

5️⃣ Choose the wrong group to lead

6️⃣ Hiring and retaining the wrong resources

7️⃣ Not creating an environment for employees nhân

8️⃣ No short-term wins

9️⃣ Ineffective communication

In short, corporate culture is created by the business itself and this factor determines the development of the business. Each organization has its own characteristics and they have created a corporate culture. Core values, habits, training or dress code, communication, etc. have created a unique feature that helps people distinguish one business from another. Since then, the business has grown and the brand of the business has also been promoted.
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