4 things you didn't know about Team Building

Almost all of us have heard of “Team building” somewhere, but do we really understand what it is? Join John&Partners to discover 4 unknowns about “Teambuilding”.

1. Teambuilding is not just an entertainment program

Currently, businesses are looking at the purpose of Teambuilding as simply how to make everyone happy and connect with each other. Or even many businesses consider Teambuilding as a year-end holiday for employees to relax after months of hard work. The above purposes are not wrong but it is called resort tourism combined with fun, not called Teambuilding.

2. “Cohesion” is not the ultimate goal of Team Building

Engagement is just the beginning of the process of building and developing a strong team. If a business wants to grow, it is indispensable for a strong team of employees. In order to have a strong team, in addition to cohesion, the team needs to share the same heart, the same goal, and know how to work smoothly, complement each other and always be based on a common culture and based on values. core of the business. And Team Building is one of the important tools to do this.

3. Team Building activities should be associated with business strategy lược

For the leadership, Team Building is one of the methods to help employees recognize, understand, believe in the corporate culture and live with those values. Besides, the strategy of the business can also be cleverly integrated into the activities of Team Building. For example, for a business to survive in a challenging economy, it requires employees to change their working mindset to adapt to the circumstances. This message will be incorporated into the Team Building program through the design of props and games so that the staff themselves feel these messages.

4. A standard Team Building program needs people to draw value through games

A standard Team Building program needs a professional care team to be ready to support and monitor participants' behavior during the time of participating in Team Building. And experts are people who rely on those behaviors to make conclusions so that the staff can have more insight into the message of the program instead of clichéd conclusions that are prepared in advance from the MC. In addition to external experts, the conclusion person can also be the Board of Directors of the enterprise.

When implementing Team Building programs, if you do not understand the meaning of Team Building correctly and enough, then the business itself is wasting its effort and money when it has to invest a large amount but does not bring value on the cost. fees spent. For the Board of Directors of the business, in order to be able to bring about the most effective Team Building program, the Board of Directors of the enterprise also needs to spend time sitting down with the Team Building team to come up with a goal. specific objectives and results to be achieved so that results can be measured after organizing the program. Only then will Team Building activities be not considered a cost, but rather a reasonable investment in the process of building culture or implementing corporate strategy.
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